Italien - Piemont

Grignolino del Monferrato Vecchie Vigne


Traubensorten Grignolino
Trinktemperatur 16° - 18°

Do you fancy a bit of history? Good, because Grignolino from Monferrato enjoyed the same status in the 1950s and 1960s as wines from Barolo or Barbaresco. These wines were known as noble, elegant, harmonious and long-lasting. A few years ago, Ermanno's father shared such a bottle of Grignolino with connoisseurs of the scene. They were all enraptured, exclaiming: what a beauty, great harmony or incredible elegance. Ermanno felt the magic and suddenly he realized what a change he was being offered. He allowed the Grignolino to rise again from the lowlands of light, insignificant wines and pressed it into a ravishingly fragrant, dense, structured, juicy and elegant wine that learned to fear the big names from Barolo and Barbaresco in countless blind tastings. Now it is up to you to experience this and, as an enthusiastic Piedmont fan, to close the circle. Go for the Grignolino!

750 ml
CHF 48,00