Frankreich - Burgund

Moulin-à-Vent Le Vieux Bourg


Traubensorten Gamay
Trinktemperatur 14° - 17°

Here, at the very top of the hill on light, sandy soil - granite is the main support here - the potential is ENORMOUS for harvesting a great wine. Of course, it takes much more than just a little sand and granite. It is always man who ensures that the best plants are propagated and the less good ones are taken out of the game. People also decide when to harvest and how long the sap is allowed to cuddle with the skins. All of these and countless other decisions, if made correctly, result in great fruit being harvested in the fall. This and nothing less happens here at Mont Bessay. Without compromise, Philippe Pascal and his highly trained partner, cellar and vineyard master Guillaume Marko (he used to work for DRC and Arnoux-Lachaux), press a hellishly seductive Moulin that smells divinely of ripe cherries, then raspberries again and then everything changes and floral aromas - peonies, for example - take the lead. Fleshy and with a sensational texture, the wine moves through the palate and shows the finest tannins, a lively acidity and a long, wonderfully harmonious finish. Gamay, that's exactly what we want!

750 ml
CHF 57,50