Deutschland - Baden



Traubensorten Spätburgunder
Trinktemperatur 16° - 18°

We all remember the lousy summer of 2021 - it was cold and wet. But the winegrower's evil had begun much earlier in the year. Mild weather had allowed the vines to sprout early and yes, exactly what had to happen did happen - sorry, dear Andreas Joachim Wolfgang Konrad Frege, I copied from you, but I'm sure you're above that. Father Frost took a large part of the buds and therefore the harvest. Sad! But I personally believe that this deep fruit set prevented worse things from happening in the end. Imagine if the vine had borne fruit as usual in the miserable summer of 2021. Unimaginable! In the end, we can say that the fall and the tireless effort and generosity in sorting out the grapes prevented a mess. At least here at Wasenhaus. Because the Pinot Noir is a really beautiful wine. It has a fine aroma of redcurrant, but its spicy notes are also extremely neat. The wine is delicate on the palate, moving almost weightlessly through the mouth. This is an exciting wine that you simply have to have. But only if you really care about Burgundy!

750 ml
CHF 36,00