Frankreich - Savoyen und Jura

Crémant du Jura Blanc Brut Nature L'AUTRE

Traubensorten Chardonnay
Trinktemperatur 12° - 14°

The second crémant from the Pignier family is a pure Chardonnay, it would not only be able to hold its own in ANY champagne tasting, no, it would be right at the top, at least as long as nothing from my buddy Cédric Bouchard or from a highly talented winemaker in the Épernay region was included in the program - but I can't and don't want to say any more about it at the moment.

So you see, this is serious. This is BIG! Don't you believe me? Well, I used to praise the wines of Roses de Jeanne (Cédric Bouchard) and loudly proclaim that they were the best wines in Champagne. And today? The world is queuing up for Roses de Jeanne. That should tell you something. No kidding! Forget what I just wrote, because when I read it like that, it doesn't sound so much like me as it does like an arrogant ass. This Pignier's Crémant is quite simply a wine that, if you like sparkling wines, you'll love, provided you take a relaxed and neutral approach.

The nose is nuttier than that of its "little" brother Brut Nature "2022", but that lovely brioche note (it's probably more the yeast than the butter that makes me think of brioche here) is just as present. With a lot of energy and little fizz (it's more of a delicate mousse), the wine fills the palate powerfully, flows silky and finishes wonderfully fresh and delicately salty because it's mineral. A really great wine that you simply have to taste! Take my word for it.

750 ml
CHF 33,00