Frankreich - Burgund

Saint-Aubin Compendium


Traubensorten Chardonnay
Trinktemperatur 12° - 14°

Compendium is practically the entry-level Saint-Aubin at Joseph Colin. I have to emphasize that here, because if you had the wine in your glass, you would never think of it in your life! It's such a great wine! Joseph Colin like. The wine is made from fruit from six different lieu-dits. This can be helpful in extreme years; but hold on, don't worry, it was an extremely good year. Mother Nature usually balances herself out perfectly in this way and a wonderful wine is produced. Its aroma of fresh Granny Smith apples is so incredibly refreshing that you almost can't get your nose out of the glass. Really now! These down-to-earth aromas are joined by fleeting floral scents and grounded notes of wax. An appealing and entertaining bouquet. The wine is also a joy on the palate, elegant yet powerful, fresh and with a precise and wonderfully mineral finish. A really great wine!

750 ml
CHF 48,50