Italien - Piemont

Barbera del Monferrato Cima Riserva


Traubensorten Barbera
Trinktemperatur 16° - 18°

Ermanno's pride and joy is his Cima Riserva. It is the culmination of the Barbera of Monferrato. Not just under the Accornero label, but in general. Barbera can hardly be better like this, maybe different but not better. The Cima is a bomb, Patricia Accornero said. And she is right. Not that you expect a wine that overshoots the mark, but the wine has a frame, is focused and infinitely beautiful. The Cima smells fantastic, wonderful sour cherries, a little oregano, then fine raspberry notes. Everything combines to create a great, harmonious aroma, unmistakably old-school Barbera. On the palate, the wine is powerful, yet always remains elegant, juicy and intense - a true Barbera. Barbera of the highest class!

750 ml
CHF 49,50