Italien - Toskana

Geremia IGT


Traubensorten Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
Trinktemperatur 16° - 18°

Montegrossi's Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon wine Geremia, named after a sometimes fierce, yet very innovative ancestor of Marco, is one of the greatest IGT wines of the Chianti Classico. Geremia is still somewhat under the radar, so it is still a discovery with which you can surprise and impress your family and friends. The wine smells like sweet red cherries, then spicy aromas take over the next moment and with a little more air, red berry aromas take over, followed by fleeting, delicate floral scents. This bouquet is extremely complex! The wine moves across the palate with impressive power. The wonderful body is framed by a taut structure of the best tannins and an acidity that makes the wine juicy. Give the wine some time and you will have one of the most beautiful Chianti Classico wines in your glass!

Vinous - Galloni: 96/100

750 ml
CHF 52,00