Frankreich - Burgund

Givry 1er Cru Clos du Cellier aux Moines Les Dessus


Traubensorten Pinor Noir
Trinktemperatur 14° - 16°

The layer of humus gets thinner and thinner, the higher you get up the hill, the rockier the ground becomes. "Dessus" demands a lot from the vines, but they do not suffer, although they do have to work hard and root deeply to get the necessary nutrients and minerals. Planting vines on this type of soil regulates the yield in a completely natural way, laying the foundations for a great wine and capturing the terroir. By the way, there is no destemming here, the grapes are crushed whole and fermented with natural yeasts like all other wines here - normality for the best winegrowers, but still not the rule in the wine industry. All the efforts and risks taken bear fruit, reward the winemaker and give his wine this indescribably attractive floral bouquet, sometimes smelling of peonies, then again of roses and bergamot, no, rather it is a delicate, almost fleeting perfume. The mouthfeel of this delicate, elegant, silky and wonderfully fruity, crystal-clear wine with its perfect finish is also spectacular. The area on which the vines for the "Dessus" grow measures just 4000 square meters. Big is different!

1500 ml
CHF 266,00