USA - Kalifornien



Traubensorten Grenache

2020 was a year with much cooler conditions than usual in Santa Barbara County and the resulting wines are fresh and very intense. The acidity is higher than the already vibrant 2019 and the alcohol content is even lower.

The cooler weather led to an extended growing season with no harvest pressure and a very long harvest period. The fruit was impeccable, but the yields were almost absurdly low.

Syrah and Grenache ripen later in the fall, when the shorter days lead to less warmth and sunshine in the final stages of ripening. The low yields in 2020 allowed the fruit to gain concentration and gave the vine enough energy to develop the fruit's flavor by the end of the season. Even though our production volumes were unfortunately very low, the vintage produced wines of particular intensity, crystallinity and vibrancy.

750 ml
CHF 143,50 CHF 71,75