Schweiz - Wallis

Humagne Rouge


Traubensorten Humagne Rouge
Trinktemperatur 16° - 18°

An indigenous, i.e. autochthonous wine. But that's not why people love the wines of this late-ripening variety so much, but because it seems to unite two hearts in one. On the one hand, the wine is wonderfully fruity and berry, but on the other hand it is also spicy and floral. In any case, the aroma is exciting and multi-layered. On the palate, the wine is well structured but the tannins are nicely packed into a muscular body. A wine that will certainly improve with a year or two in the bottle. But the way Claudy gets it right - he knows his way around indigenous varieties - it is a real pleasure even in its youth.

750 ml
CHF 29,50