Italien - Toskana

Ridolfo IGT


Traubensorten Pugnitello, Cabernet Sauvignon
Trinktemperatur 14° - 16°

"Il Baroncino", as we call Marco, is proud as punch of his Ridolfo, a wine with which he tries to connect Tuscany - represented by the almost forgotten Pugnitello variety - to the world - how could it be otherwise, represented by Cabernet Sauvignon.


At the beginning, the aromas of Cabernet dominate, i.e. spicy components, bear droppings, which combine with coffee notes. There are also floral notes. With more air, the Pugnitello seems to take over with its almost volatile aromas and brings bright notes into play, roses and cinnamon. Almost perfectly formed, the wine nestles on the palate and leaves no room for doubt: This wine has potential to mature, but surprisingly is already a hell of a lot of fun today. So watch out, because this wine is so seductive, it could be polished off incredibly quickly, too quickly! Try to hide at least one bottle so well that the wine, which incidentally was only bottled in magnums, is allowed to mature for at least a few years. It will thank you for it!

Vinous - Galloni: 97/100
Suckling: 97/100
Dunnuck: 96+/100
Wine Independent: 96+/100

1500 ml
CHF 154,00