Frankreich - Burgund

Chablis Fourchaume La Pièce au Comte


Traubensorten Chardonnay
Trinktemperatur 12° - 15°

La Fourchaume is already a cracking wine, but this one, grown in a block containing the oldest vines of the Bessins-Fourchaume parcel, puts the much-vaunted briquette on top. Quite simply, La Pièce au Comte is brilliant! Unlike the classic wine, this one smells divinely of crème patissier, dried flowers, green apples and somehow of the sea, of salt and ... oh, you know, just the way it smells in Brittany.


On the palate, La Pièce au Comte is tighter than the classic wine from this vineyard, enormously dense and multi-layered, muscle-bound. Focused, crystal clear and pure, it is an indescribable pleasure! But please put this wine in the far corner of your cellar and forget about it for at least ten years, maybe even fifteen. It will thank you one day and spoil you in a way you can't even begin to imagine today! This is a wine with ENORMOUS potential!

750 ml
CHF 61,00