Frankreich - Savoyen und Jura

GPS Côtes du Jura Blanc


Traubensorten Gamay Blanc, Poulsard, Savagnin
Trinktemperatur 12° - 14°

All the different grapes - G stands for Gamay Blanc (an old local Chardonnay subspecies) P for Poulsard (hence the light touch of color in the wine) and S for Savagnin ... and 13 other varieties - for this cheerful, wonderfully aromatic wine are carefully pressed together, fermented and aged in Burgundy pièces and terra cotta amphorae before the wine is bottled without the addition of sulfur in the spring following the harvest. And yes, the wine is stable, because we tasted it again and again over three days, no, enjoyed it, without it getting tired. You will look in vain for oxidation in this white - as is the case with all of Pignier's wines. Floral aromas mingle with fruity aromas to create a wonderfully elegant bouquet. Dense and elegant, the GPS glides through the palate, even showing structure, i.e. a hint of tannins, before a wonderfully integrated acidity makes you salivate. You MUST taste this wine!

750 ml
CHF 29,00