Frankreich - Burgund

Meursault Bois de Blangy


Traubensorten Chardonnay
Trinktemperatur 10° - 12°

How should I describe this wine here? Should I describe it at all? Because if I do, then it's gone and I'm left high and dry! That's how it looks! I'll just stop writing here and drink the few bottles that Stefano, Luca and Martl left me myself and not tell you how incredibly spicy I find this wine, which smells so fabulously lively of green apples, indescribably beautiful of white flowers, delicately of Amalfi lemon peel and a tiny bit of freshly toasted brioche. It would remain a secret that this wine is as clear as an ice-cold winter's night, in which the moon seems close enough to touch, moves as unashamedly light-footed as a prima ballerina and yet takes over the entire palate before starting its brilliant mineral, juicy, simply incomparable finish. Ooops, common sense must have prevailed!

1500 ml
CHF 252,00