What a wine, WOW! It makes my heart beat faster. The way it smells, very delicate, almost restrained. This is a subtle Sauvignon, a mineral one, and none of the splendor of the Sauvignons you so often have in your glass. With a little air and at a moderate temperature, it reveals a little more of itself. Its aroma is stunning, as it is constantly reassembling itself, always something different and entertaining us wine connoisseurs at the very highest level. Gooseberries and fine cassis notes are present, but also fresh herbal tones as well as this fine, fresh sea breeze. Interesting, isn't it? Well, you'll be amazed when you have the wine in your mouth. It's great how it makes a timid entrance and then unpacks everything it has to offer, which is quite a lot. Powerful, round and flattering in the center and fresh and elegant in the finish. In a word: great!