Frankreich - Loire

Saumur blanc


Traubensorten Chenin Blanc
Trinktemperatur 10° - 12°

I used to think Chenin Blanc smelled and tasted completely neutral. Obviously, I didn't know Romain Guiberteau back then. Because here the Chenin Blanc packs everything the variety, the terroir and the winemaker have to offer into the glass. And that's quite a lot here at Guiberteau. Even the supposedly small Saumur Blanc has a lot behind its non-existent ears. So, here we go! Its fragrance constantly reassembles itself, sometimes waxy quince aromas take the lead, then wonderful honeycomb scents and suddenly an insane herbal scent. Wow, this is entertainment at its best, so much so that you can't help but bring the glass to your mouth and take a sip. Elegant, light, delicate, the wine moves across the tongue and shows wonderful density, but without being heavy. The wine moves across the tongue like a laser and finishes with a wonderful minerality and fine saltiness. Top!

750 ml
CHF 29,50