Italien - Venezien

Soave Classico


Traubensorten Garganega, Trebbiano di Soave
Trinktemperatur 10° - 12°

Slowly but steadily, Soave is working its way back onto the wine lists of restaurants outside of Veneto, into the well-stocked cellars of all wine lovers who value the original, the classic over fashionable destinations. Of course, Soave more than deserves this, because few Italian wines are characterized by their terroir like Soave, consistently fresh, juicy, elegant and, in the best cases, as here at Pieropan, straightforward and crystal clear. This Classico is of an unprecedented quality that can almost be recognized from afar. Its aroma alone, this spiciness which combines wonderfully with delicate, white, perhaps even pale yellow fruit and entertains at a remarkable level. At first, the wine clings to the palate like a silky veil before it forms, lines up in a dead straight line and finishes with a precision that is truly a joy! What a wonderful wine!

750 ml
CHF 17,50