
Verget, France - Burgundy

Jean-Marie Guffens is just as responsible for the wines of Verget as he is for the domaine that bears his name: Guffens-Heynen. This means that he is the owner, not of the vineyards, but of the winery. The vineyards belong to some of his old friends, companions who, like him, have only the maximum quality of the wine as their goal. No, this is not just a "sales speech" from me, this is nothing but the truth. Believe me, I have not turned over every stone in Burgundy in recent years, but I have turned over many stones to find wines of Verget's quality. William Kelley - the Burgundy Guy at Robert Parker - says that Verget's cuvées are among the best wines of the Mâconnais and that there are real bargains to be found among them! So, what are you waiting for?